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Marr Professional Development Corporation | Saline, MI

CESAR - The best 15 minutes you’ll ever spend with your clients 

Did you know your best prospects are your current clients?  They already know you will perform to their expectations, and you’ve developed a level of trust that just can’t be achieved with non-clients. 

CESAR stands for Chief Executive Semi Annual Review – a meeting you set up every six months with the highest-level person in your client organization who knows you exist as a provider to them.  Ask for 15 minutes of their time, best in person but on the phone if necessary, to review the progress you’ve made together and ensure you are delivering to their expectations.

Ask your “Chief Executive” five questions. 

  1. Why did you originally bring us in – what problems were you hoping to solve?
  2. How are we doing on that?
  3. What would get us fired?
  4. What else should we be doing for you?
  5. Who else do you know that I should be talking to – inside or outside your company?

A couple of tips for conducting CESAR reviews with your clients:

  • Do keep the meeting to 15 minutes – unless they give permission to keep going
  • Don’t wimp out and hold the CESAR Review with your primary contact – go to the top of the organization you work for
  • Do you homework – learn all you can about the company, their leadership teams’ goals, and the services you have provided
  • Don’t try to sell – this isn’t a sales call, it’s a client interview meant to build trust and further your client relationship
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